Materials I've Created

Close Read Cards are great for helping students become better readers.

This is a chart that students can paste into their math journals to help them see the process of converting mixed numbers into improper fraction and improper fractions into mixed numbers.

This goes in the front cover of my student's communication folder to help them master basic math facts.

This hangs on the wall of my classroom to remind students that there are far more rules and consequences for adults than for children.

This is a chart I made for myself and my colleagues. We were using both Pearson Reading Street and iReady Reading and this chart allows quick identification of the Reading Street skills to see how they relate (or not) to the iReady lesson. This speeds up lesson planning.

This is an ESE input form. I was asked to automate it so it could be sent and completed electronically.

This is my Manuscript Training Set booklet (just the cover page.) I distribute it to all teachers and parents. Neat handwriting makes a big difference, especially with mathematics. This set comes in two varieties: one set has primary-grade line spacing and the other set has line spacing to match the line spacing of wide-ruled notebook paper that intermediate students use.

This is the sequel to my Manuscript Training Set: The Cursive Training Set. Again, it is distributed to colleagues and parents. Many like this for many of our schools no longer teach cursive handwriting. This set comes in two varieties: one set has primary-grade line spacing and the other set has line spacing to match the line spacing of wide-ruled notebook paper that intermediate students use.